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New EASE Policy Briefs Released

A key objective of EASE is to disseminate key project learning to inform the renewable energy and off-grid sector in Malawi as well as further afield. The EASE team are pleased to release the following policy briefs written by University of Strathclyde, United Purpose and Community Energy Malawi, which distil lessons from the field in solar microgrids and District Energy Officers, with policy implications and recommendations, outlined below:

Deploying Solar Microgrids in Malawi: Lessons Learned and Implications for the Malawian Microgrid Ecosystem

Comprising a policy brief and technical report, these outputs present primary data and experiences from deploying and operating two solar microgrids in Dedza, in technical, economic and social impact themes. Recommendations are given to policy makers and microgrid developers for accelerating microgrids in Malawi, as well as suggested research agendas.

District Energy Officers: Mainstreaming Energy in Malawi’s Local Governance Structures

This briefing paper provides an overview of activities conducted by Community Energy Malawi staff piloting District Energy Officers during the EASE Project, as well as a summary of impact, and recommendations for consideration by stakeholders in Malawi.